Alliance Legislative Report 97-34

Distributed via Email: November 15, 2011


Governor Pat Quinn signed legislation on Monday that will allow Regional Superintendents of Schools and their assistants to begin receiving their salaries. The governor issued a budget veto this summer which eliminated the state funds that were to be used to pay the salaries of the top two administrators in each of the Regional Offices of Education (ROE). His reasoning was that these are not state offices and, therefore, the accompanying salaries should be paid out of local funds instead of state funds. The superintendents have not received a paycheck since June.

SB 2147 (Sullivan, D-Rushville) requires that funding for the ROE salaries comes from the Corporate Personal Property Replacement Tax (CPPRT). Until now, funding for ROE salaries had come from the state’s General Revenue Fund. But the legislation applies to the current fiscal year only, because in subsequent years the role and scope of ROEs may be drastically different.

The legislation also establishes a commission that is charged with finding ways to “streamline” the ROEs. This could mean having fewer regional offices, transferring current ROE duties to other agencies, or eliminating the offices altogether. The commission, the composition of which is very similar to that of the school consolidation commission, will report back to the General Assembly next year with its recommendations.

As SB 2147 is the substantive bill that contains the mechanism that allows the CPPRT funds to be the revenue source for the ROE salaries, SB 2458 (Sullivan) is the appropriations bill that will actually send the funding to the Illinois State Board of Education for the payment of the regional superintendent salaries.

SB 2147 is now Public Act 97-0619. SB 2458 is now Public Act 97-0620. The laws become effective immediately.


The Joint Annual Conference of the Illinois Association of School Boards, Illinois Association of School Administrators, and the Illinois Association of the School Business Officials, will be held this weekend in Chicago. As usual, a wealth of information will be available for school board members and administrators on current legislative issues. The staffs of the respective Alliance organizations are bringing to the Conference the leading experts and elected officials that have been behind the cutting edge legislative issues this year. These Conference panels are an excellent opportunity to learn more about the matters that will be affecting your school district, and to ask questions of the people behind these new initiatives.

Several panels will be highlighting the new education reform law. Views from legislators, attorneys, and practitioners will be presented. Below is a list of some of the legislative panels on tap. More information on Conference panels can be found here.

Friday, 1:30, Regency Ballroom A, Hyatt Regency, West Tower
Illinois Lieutenant Governor Sheila Simon
State Senator David Luechtefeld
State Senator Susan Garrett
State Representative Roger Eddy

In the 2011 legislative sessions, the General Assembly attempted to tackle major issues that have been facing the state for years, including education reform, pension reform, district consolidation, and budgetary matters. Listen to experts discuss how these issues were handled.

Saturday, 10:30, Regency Ballroom C, Hyatt Regency, West Tower
State Senator David Luechtefeld
State Representative Roger Eddy
State Representative Fred Crespo,
Darren Reisberg, General Counsel, ISBE

Hear experienced legislators and staff from the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) discuss issues impacting the 2011 legislative session, with particular emphasis on topics impacting school districts.

Saturday, 10:30, Michigan Ballroom A/B, Sheraton Hotel
Mike Resnick, Associate Executive Director, NSBA

Mr. Resnick, head of the advocacy department for the National School Boards Association (NSBA), will discuss federal legislation such as: the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act; federal funding for school districts;   relevant implementation information from the U.S. Department of Education; and education priorities in Congress.

Saturday, 1:30, Grand Ballroom E, Hyatt Regency, East Tower
State Senator Kwame Raoul
Rich Frankenfeld, Director of Outreach, TRS
Dea Meyer, Vice President, Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago

What is the status of the current TRS pension system, and what is the impact of a two tiered system? What reforms are legislators pursuing next? Join experts on pensions as they share the latest information on these questions, and other information pertaining to this important issue.

Saturday, 1:30, Regency Ballroom B, Hyatt Regency, West Tower

State Representative Linda Chapa La Via
Norm Durflinger, Center for Education Policy, Illinois State University
Dean Casper, School Board Member Tinley Park #146
Marion Hoyda, Retired Superintendent, Tinley Park #146

State leaders have turned down forced consolidation of school districts. Join policymakers and school leaders who will share the proposed “solutions,” and their impacts. Learn how to energize your community’s response to mandated consolidation, leading to thoughtful consideration of school mergers.

Saturday, 3:30, Columbus Ballroom G, Hyatt Regency, East Tower

State Representative Elaine Nekritz

Dr. Brent Clark, Executive Director, IASA
Eric Madiar, Chief Legal Counsel, Illinois State Senate
Nick Yelverton, Legislative Director, IFT

Listen to key individuals discuss the implications of Pension Reform. Gain insight into the process and learn what outcomes can be expected from retirement legislation.

This legislative report is written and edited by the lobbyists of the Illinois Association of School Boards to provide information to the members of the organizations that comprise the Illinois Statewide School Management Alliance.

Bill Text/Status: Illinois General Assembly

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