Distributed via Email: July 12, 2012
Governor Pat Quinn signed the Fiscal Year 2013 budget bills into law on June 30, the last day of the fiscal year for 2012. This included the signing of SB 2413 , which makes appropriations to the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE). It funds K-12 education $208 million below the FY ’12 funding level, including $162 million less in the General State Aid (GSA) formula. With this reduction, the proration rate for GSA in FY ’13 is estimated to be 89% (the proration rate for FY ’12 was 95%). Funding for mandated categorical grants is generally held flat.
No General Revenue Fund money was allocated for Regional Office of Education salaries as the necessary provisions were amended in the law to allow lawmakers to again fund these offices out of Corporate Personal Property Replacement Tax funds.
The bill is now Public Act 97-0728 , effective July 1, 2012.
The governor has also signed into law dozens of other pieces of legislation, including several education-related bills.
Governor Quinn signed into law the following bills:
HB 3810 (Crespo, D-Hoffman Estates) abolishes the General Assembly Scholarship Program after Sep. 1, 2012. A Public Act number has not yet been assigned. The law is effective July 11, 2012.
HB 4242 (Phelps, D-Norris City) creates the Natural Disaster Homestead Exemption to provide a property tax exemption for homeowners that lost a home in a natural disaster then replaced that home with a new one. The property owner would be eligible to receive a homestead exemption for that portion of the assessed value that is the difference between what the property was assessed at the year previous to the disaster and the newly assessed property after the improvements have been made. The exemption expires when the property is sold or transferred. The bill is now Public Act 97-0716 , effective June 29, 2012.
HB 5114 (Burke, D., D-Chicago) authorizes school districts, under the Safety Education provisions of the School Code, to provide instruction for students enrolled in grades 6-8 on Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED). The instruction may be provided by video. The bill is now Public Act 97-0714 , effective June 28, 2012.
HB 5195 (Biss, D-Skokie) includes in the definition of “energy conservation project” an Energy Efficiency Project in connection with any school district or community college district project. It removes the requirement that the Illinois Finance Authority implement a project aiding school districts. The bill is now Public Act 97-0760 , effective July 6, 2012.
HB 2850 (Luechtefeld, R-Okawville) removes provisions allowing days of attendance to be less than five clock hours on the opening and closing of the school term. It would become effective for the 2013-14 school year. The bill is now Public Act 97-0742 , effective June 30, 2013.
SB 3241 (Sullivan, D-Rushville) increases the amount of the corporate income tax credit for hiring a qualified veteran. It would be a maximum credit of 20% of the veterans’ wages up to $5,000 (currently 10% with a maximum of $1,200). It also amends the Property Tax Code to provide that an abatement granted to the surviving spouse of a fallen police officer or rescue worker also applies to the surviving spouse of a fallen soldier. The bill is now Public Act 97-0767 , effective July 9, 2012.
SB 3722 (Harmon, D-Oak Park) makes many changes in the Election Code regarding campaign finance provisions. It sets limits on campaign expenditures for an “Independent expenditure committee” which includes an entity established that takes positions on any question of public policy that is placed on the ballot. The bill is now Public Act 97-0766 , effective July 6, 2012.
SB 3802 (Steans, D-Chicago) creates the Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Implementation Act to make necessary changes in statute to implement the new budget. It allows for the transfer of funds into and out of the Education Assistance Fund and the School Infrastructure Fund, as well as provides the authority for the payment of salaries for regional superintendents of schools out of the Corporate Personal Property Replacement Tax fund. The bill is now Public Act 97-0732 , effective June 30, 2012.
This legislative report is written and edited by the lobbyists of the Illinois Association of School Boards to provide information to the members of the organizations that comprise the Statewide School Management Alliance.
Bill Text/Status: Illinois General Assembly www.ilga.gov
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