Distributed via Email: July 29, 2013
Governor Pat Quinn signed into law Monday a bill that will significantly change the procedures used for candidates running for the local school board.
HB 2418 (Currie, D-Chicago) requires school board candidates to file nominating petitions with the county clerk instead of their local school district. In addition, the bill provides that objections to school board member petitions would be heard and acted upon by the county officers’ electoral board that is made up of the county clerk, the state’s attorney, and the clerk of the circuit court. In counties where there is a county board of election commissioners, this body would hear and act upon the objections.
The changes to the school board elections were part of a much larger, omnibus elections bill. The bill, now Public Act 98-0115, is effective immediately. However, the next school board election is not scheduled until April 2015 with petitions to be filed in December 2014. There should be no substantive change in school district procedures before that point.
The entire text of the legislation can be found here.
The IASB will be providing more information on the details of the changes and what it means to school board members, candidates, and school districts in the coming weeks. In the meantime, please feel free to contact the IASB at 217/528-9688, ext. 1132, for further information.
After the state legislature blew past another pension reform “deadline” set by the governor, there seems to be no movement on finding a solution to the pension funding predicament. Governor Quinn did make his presence felt when he vetoed out of the budget the appropriations for lawmaker salaries. The first real effect of this maneuver will be felt on Aug. 1 when legislators will not receive their scheduled paychecks. The governor said he’ll restore the funding for salaries once the General Assembly sends him a pension bill.
A conference committee consisting of 10 legislators has been meeting to find a pension compromise, though little was said by conferees after their last meeting. There is currently no legislation drafted and legislators are not scheduled to return to the Capitol until the Veto Session on Oct. 22. The governor or the legislative leaders could call the legislature back before then to consider a pension bill.
The governor has recently signed into law the following bills:
HB 3125 ( Mautino, D-Spring Valley) , among other changes to various sections of law, makes changes to the Unemployment Insurance Act. It provides that it is a Class 4 felony for an employer to willfully file a fraudulent quarterly wage report containing contributions less than $300 and a Class 3 felony if contributions are over $300. It also sets as a Class 4 felony the act of failure to honor a subpoena issue by the Department of Employment Security. The bill is now Public Act 98-0107, effective July 23, 2013.
SB 41 (Munoz, D-Chicago) allows the chief county assessment officer to record a tax lien against property that was granted one or more erroneous homestead exemptions. The bill is now Public Act 98-0093, effective July 16, 2013.
SB 70 (Koehler, D-Peoria) provides that the location restrictions for licensed gaming establishments (including truck stops, fraternal organizations, and veterans’ establishments) do not apply if a school or place of worship moves to or is established within the restricted area after the establishment obtains its original license. The bill is now Public Act 98-0077, effective July 15, 2013.
SB 2157 (Cunningham, D-Chicago) provides that, if requested, a school board is authorized to excuse a pupil from engaging in a physical education course if the pupil has an intellectual or physical disability, is participating in an athletic program outside of the school setting, and documents such participation as determined by the school board. The bill is now Public Act 98-0116, effective July 29, 2013.
This legislative report is written and edited by the lobbyists of the Illinois Association of School Boards to provide information to the members of the organizations that comprise the Statewide School Management Alliance.
Bill Text/Status: Illinois General Assembly www.ilga.gov
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