Alliance Legislative Report 99-02

Distributed via Email: January 29, 2015


After a brief respite following the fall election where lawmakers and other politicos were either doing a victory dance or conducting a damage assessment (depending on which side of the aisle you sit), the new governor and General Assembly are starting to get back to business. Governor Bruce Rauner has been traveling the state to begin to unveil his plan on how to set Illinois on a path of fiscal soundness, filling cabinet positions and other key administrative posts, and preparing for his first State of the State address. The address will be delivered Wednesday, Feb. 4 in the state Capitol before a joint session of the Illinois Senate and House of Representatives.

Members of the House convened Wednesday this week in a brief one-day session mostly for “housekeeping” matters: adopt the rules for the new session, name committee chairs and members, secure office space and administrative assistance, etc. And, of course, start the onslaught of introducing thousands of new pieces of legislation.

Both the House and Senate will convene next week – the Senate Tuesday through Thursday and the House Wednesday and Thursday. Most of the time next week will be spent responding to the key points of the governor’s message.


Not all of the House committee appointments have been made, but this week the House Speaker did announce his choices as committee chairmen. Instead of having one committee that deals with K-12 education as in the past (the Elementary and Secondary Education Committee), there are now three separate committees each with its own chairman.

House Committee on Elementary and Secondary Education: School Curriculum and Policies
Chairman: Representative Esther Golar (D-Chicago)
Vice Chairman: Representative Linda Chapa La Via (D-Aurora)

House Committee on Elementary and Secondary Education: Charter School Policy
Chairman: Representative Emily McAsey (D-Lockport)
Vice Chairman: Representative Robert Martwick (D-Chicago)

House Committee on Elementary and Secondary Education: Licensing Oversight
Chairman: Representative Rita Mayfield (D-Waukegan)
Vice Chairman: Representative Sue Scherer (D-Decatur)

The House Appropriations – Elementary and Secondary Education Committee will continue to be chaired by Representative Will Davis (D-Hazel Crest).

The House Revenue and Finance Committee will continue to be chaired by Representative John Bradley (D-Marion).

This legislative report is written and edited by the lobbyists of the Illinois Association of School Boards to provide information to the members of the organizations that comprise the Statewide School Management Alliance.

Bill Text/Status: Illinois General Assembly

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