Distributed via Email: June 2, 2015
The Illinois legislature left the Capitol Sunday, the last scheduled day of the spring legislative session, but will not stay away for long. A partisan Fiscal Year 2016 budget was approved but will not likely be signed by the governor. And with the current stalemate between the Democrat legislative leadership and Governor Bruce Rauner regarding the governor’s legislative agenda, the session will now drag into the summer. The House of Representatives has scheduled session for Thursday. The Senate has set a session day for next Tuesday, June 9. More information on the end of session can be found in the last Alliance Legislative Report.
The following bills have been approved by both chambers and will be sent to the governor:
HB 226 ( Cavaletto, R-Salem) increases the debt limit for Sandoval C.U.S.D. 501.
HB 2683 (Davis, W., D-E. Hazel Crest) contains the three components of the Vision 20/20 Differentiated Accountability Model. It requires that the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) implement an outcomes based, balanced accountability measure for local school districts.
HB 2781 (Fortner, R-West Chicago) requires ISBE to implement a pilot program for up to three school districts to adopt a program for e-learning that shall permit students to receive instruction electronically, and not while physically present at school.
HB 3093 (Durkin, R-Burr Ridge) allows any high school district eligible for Federal Impact Aid whose territory is in two counties, to make a one-time declaration as to interest income not previously declared from 1998 thru 2011 in the debt service fund, prior to June 30, 2016.
HB 3159 (Gabel, D-Evanston) makes changes regarding the issuance of bonds for North Shore S.D. 112 and Sandoval C.U.S.D. 501.
HB 3197 (Chapa LaVia, D-Aurora) creates the Attendance Commission within ISBE to study chronic absenteeism and make recommendations for strategies to prevent chronic absenteeism. IASB, IASA, and IPA will each have a representative on the commission.
HB 3527 (Fortner, R-West Chicago) modifies the Right to Privacy in the School Setting Act to prohibit an elementary or secondary school from requesting or requiring a student to provide a password or other related account information in order to gain access to the student's account or profile on a social networking website. Instead, it requires the school to provide notification to the student and his or her parent or guardian that the school may conduct an investigation or require a student to cooperate in an investigation if there is specific information about activity on the student's account on a social networking website that violates a school disciplinary rule or policy.
SB 100 ( Lightford, D-Maywood) makes significant changes to student suspension and expulsion procedures and requires school districts to implement comprehensive new policies. The bill was amended to address Alliance concerns and removed many of the provisions limiting school district authority.
SB 224 (Bush, D-Grayslake) , with respect to a petition for a proposed change of school district boundaries, creates standards regarding detachment petitions and clarifies who is liable for bonded indebtedness.
SB 226 ( Lightford) requires the Department of Human Services and ISBE to develop and implement a training program designed to screen and register kids for the Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services (PUNS) waiting list for services, subject to appropriation.
SB 780 (Jones, E., D-Chicago) , in Cook County, provides that when homestead property is sold or transferred the new owner shall notify the assessor and shall be required to reapply for the general homestead exemption and requires the assessor to cancel the exemption if the property owner no longer qualifies.
SB 1102 (Connelly, R-Wheaton) prohibits local governments from representing or indemnifying employees in criminal proceedings in which the employees are defendant or a target.
SB 1340 (Anderson, R-Moline) moves back the reporting deadline for the School Security and Standards Task Force to on or before Jan. 1, 2016 instead of Jan. 1, 2015.
SB 1455 (Delgado, D-Chicago) provides that one of the state assessments for high school students shall include tests that shall be accepted by Illinois’ public institutions of higher education for the purpose of student application or admissions consideration.
SB 1526 (McGuire, D-Crest Hill) makes numerous changes to the Property Tax Code regarding changes in assessed valuation, requirements for notice by the Board of Review and notice requirements for appellants seeking change in assessed value of more than $100,000.
SB 1591 (Collins, D-Chicago) requires a charter school proposal to include disclosure of any known active civil or criminal investigation into an organization submitting the charter school proposal or any member of the governing body of that organization.
SB 1608 ( Althoff, R-McHenry) provides for a correction of apportionment of taxes where a taxing district’s boundaries include more than one county and applies to taxable year 2015 and thereafter.
SB 1679 ( Lightford) requires the state superintendent of education to establish a committee to review virtual education and course choice. It also requires the committee to report its findings and recommendations to the governor and General Assembly no later than May 31, 2016.
SB 1684 ( Cullerton, T., D-Villa Park) includes school nurses and ISBE on a new advisory council on pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder.
SB 1793 (Hastings, D-Matteson) requires ISBE to develop a model youth suicide awareness and prevention policy that includes certain components that school districts are required to adopt in a policy on suicide awareness beginning in the 2015-2016 school year.
SB 1885 ( Manar, D-Bunker Hill) includes highways on public school property in the classification of non-designated highways.
This legislative report was written and edited by the lobbyists of the Illinois Association of School Boards to provide information to the members of the organizations that comprise the Statewide School Management Alliance.
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Bill Text/Status: Illinois General Assembly www.ilga.gov
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