Alliance Legislative Report 99-35

Distributed via Email: November 13, 2015


Both the Illinois House of Representatives and Senate met in session on Tuesday in what could be their last meeting of the year. With the state half-way through the fifth month of a historic budget stalemate, there is still no fiscal agreement and lawmakers may not be returning to work until after the first of the year.

There have been bright spots over the past two weeks. Governor Bruce Rauner and the four legislative leaders have agreed to meet in an effort to jumpstart budget negotiations; this could happen next week. Reportedly there is an agreement on one of the auxiliary issues (unemployment insurance) and a budget bill was approved nearly unanimously.

As reported in the last Alliance Legislative Report , bills were approved last month to delay the implementation dates for the new laws regarding Civics education and student athlete concussions. HB 800 (Conroy, D-Downers Grove) , the trailer bill regarding Civics education, has yet to be sent to the governor for consideration. The House of Representatives has 30 days to send the bill to the governor.

SB 219( Raoul, D-Chicago) is the trailer bill regarding student athlete concussions.  SB 219 was sent to the governor on Oct. 30, 2015. The governor has 60 days to take action. The Alliance has contacted the governor’s office requesting that this action be expedited.


The IASB/IASA/Illinois ASBO Joint Annual Conference begins in Chicago on November 20 and legislative issues will be highlighted in a number of panel sessions.

Friday, November 20, 2015, 1:30 p.m.

Pensions: New Day, New Solutions?
Columbus E/F, Ballroom Level, Hyatt East Tower
Presenters: Senator Daniel Biss; Rep. Tom Morrison; Rich Frankenfeld, TRS; Dan Long, Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability
Moderator : Deanna Sullivan, IASB

The Administration’s Vision for Education
Regency A/B, Regency Level, Hyatt West Tower
Presenter: Dr. Tony Smith, State Superintendent of Schools
Moderator: Ben Schwarm, IASB

Saturday, November 21, 2015, 10:30 a.m.

IASB Delegate Assembly
Regency A/B, Regency Level, Hyatt West Tower

Legislative Issues Impacting School Districts
Regency C, Regency Level, Hyatt West Tower
Presenters: Rep. Frank Mautino; Rep. Elaine Nekritz; Sen. Chapin Rose; State Superintendent Tony Smith
Moderator: Calvin Jackson, IASBO

Funding Reform Driven By Student Opportunity: “Evidence-Based Model”
Chicago 6, Ballroom Level IV, Sheraton Hotel
Presenters: Rep. Christian Mitchell; Superintendent Stephen Murphy, Carbondale CHSD 165; Superintendent Jeff Stawick, CCSD 146 (Tinley Park); Superintendent Gary Tipsord, LeRoy CUSD 2
Moderator: Superintendent Paula Hawley, Pikeland CUSD 10

Saturday, November 21, 1:30 p.m.

What’s Fair and Reliable for Schools? (Property Tax Discussion)
Regency A/B, Regency Level, Hyatt West Tower
Presenters: Rep. John Bradley; Rep. David Harris; Sen. Andy Manar; Sen. Chapin Rose
Moderator: Deanna Sullivan, IASB

Saturday, November 21, 3:30 p.m.

The Turnaround Agenda: Labor/Management
Grand A, Ballroom Level, Hyatt East Tower
Presenters: Rep. Lou Lang; Sen. Bill Brady; Kim Maisch, National Federation of Independent Business
Moderator: Susan Hilton, IASB

Vision 20/20: Successes and Challenges
Regency A/B, Regency Level, Hyatt East Tower
Presenters: Dr. Brent Clark, IASA; Dr. Michael Jacoby, IASBO; Roger Eddy, IASB; Jason Leahy, IPA
Moderator: Zach Messersmith, IASB

Sunday, November 22, 8:00 a.m.

Who’s Fighting for Us in Springfield and Washington?
Michigan A/B/C, Concourse Level, Hyatt East Tower
Presenters: Susan Hilton, IASB; Zach Messersmith, IASB; Deanna Sullivan, IASB; Cynthia Woods, IASB


New at conference this year IASB staff will be hosting in the Comiskey Room (Concourse Level, Hyatt Regency West Tower) two days of Mini Clinics that will offer 20-30 minute demonstrations of IASB services and programs, including:

Friday, 9:00 a.m.: IASB Resolutions Process/Advocacy

Friday, 1:30 p.m.: Legislative Update

This legislative report was written and edited by the lobbyists of the Illinois Association of School Boards to provide information to the members of the organizations that comprise the Statewide School Management Alliance.

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