Federal Legislative Report 114-7

Distributed via Email: December 4, 2015


On Wednesday (12/2), the House voted to pass the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Reauthorization Conference Committee Report named the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)/S. 1177 by a vote of 359-64. Every member of the Illinois delegation voted in favor of the legislation. This show of bipartisanship, especially in the considerably more conservative House, is unprecedented in this past decade of extreme partisan divisiveness.  

The Senate is expected to take the measure up on Tuesday (12/8) and it is expected to pass by a wide margin. Then the legislation will head to the President’s desk where it is anticipated that he will sign it before the holidays. Advocacy does not end there though.   With the new law come new regulations. Because ESSA returns to states and local districts more flexibility in key areas such as testing and accountability, local stakeholder input into the regulatory process over the coming months will be exceedingly important.

Though no legislation is perfect, this is a drastic improvement from No Child Left Behind (NCLB). Here are some highlights:

Call to Action

Senator Kirk was the only Illinois legislator on the Conference Committee, so please call and thank him for his hard work.

Senator Kirk – 202/224-2854

Contact both Senators Kirk and Durbin and ask them to vote yes.  

Senator Durbin – 202/224-2152

Call your House members and thank them for voting yes. They often hear from constituents only when they are unhappy, so please thank them for their vote and the positive effect this will have on kids.

A list of Illinois House members can be found here (scroll down to Illinois).