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Illinois School Board Journal
January/February 2007

I am the School Board
by Orman L. Miller

Orman L. Miller was a rural school board member from Onarga, Kansas. His tribute to the school board was reprinted from The Kansas Teacher in Vol. 1, No. 2 of The Illinois School Board Bulletin, the forerunner of this publication.

Editor's note: This volume begins the 75th edition of The Illinois School Board Journal. A longer article on the history of the publication will appear in the March/April issue, which will coincide with the first publication dates. Until then, please enjoy these thoughts from the past on School Boards.

I am the School Board.
I am the world's greatest Foster Parent.
I take the love and care that other men lavish on their own, and divide it generously with all.
I care for the orphans and the widow's flock.
I speak for the children of the rich when prejudice prevents them receiving Fair Treatment, and I insist that the poor be accorded all their rights and privileges.
I am the foe of inequality.
I seek the equality of Mankind, regardless of color, caste, sex or religion.
I strive to ride upon an even keel through the storms of hate and ignorance; and to remain indifferent to the petty embroilments of a community.
I am the champion of education, believing in its ability to save both the individual and the whole.
I am the target for the pointed barbs of criticism.
I stand in a public place and never strike back.
I am the Servant of the world's greatest force, the trained intelligence.
I hold the rights of a generation of children in the hollow of my hand, but never obtain recognition of my own.
I seek to be fair and to be wise.
I am the most paternalistic subdivision of government whose tendency toward Paternalism is its most distinguishing mark; and its crowning glory.
I give of my time, my money, and my abilities for the common good and take my pay in the satisfaction of serving.
I place the labor of my hands, the ideas of my head, and the love of my heart constantly upon the altar of Public Service.
I am the School Board.

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