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Illinois School Board Journal
July/August 2001

Budget timeline

When it comes to building the annual budget in Galesburg Community School District 205, the board and former Superintendent Ronald L. Cope established the following year-long timeline for 2001:

January 2001: Budget forms and instructions disseminated to principals and supervisors.
March 8, 2001: Budget Committee provided procedures and timelines. Preliminary revenue and expenditure projections provided.
March 16, 2001: Completed budget forms and technology plans returned to business office for review and compilation.
April 2001: Director of Finance visits schools and reviews building and departmental budget requests with principals/directors.
May 14, 2001: Building/departmental budgets submitted to the Board of Education for approval.
June 2001: Budget Committee reviews and approves tentative budget.
July 9, 2001: Board of Education adopts tentative budget and authorizes publication.
September 10, 2001: Board of Education conducts public budget hearing and adopts 2001-2002 budget.
November 12, 2001: Board of Education approves tentative 2001 tax levy.
December 10, 2001: Board of Education approves 2001 tax levy.