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Illinois School Board Journal
May/June 2005
IASB merits thanks from award winner
To the editor:
Thank you for providing highlights and photographs from the November 2004 Joint Annual Conference in both the January Illinois School Board Newsbulletin and the January-February Illinois School Board Journal. I always look forward to reading these publications, and it was indeed a pleasant surprise to be mentioned in both.
During the last general session at the November conference, I was presented with the Thomas Lay Burroughs Outstanding Board President award. In accepting the award, I thanked the ISBE and Interim State Superintendent Randy Dunn for choosing me as the 2004 recipient. I also took a moment to thank the many people within East Maine School District 63 whose support, trust and dedication helped in the achievement of this honor. I am so very proud to have helped to bring such positive recognition to our district.
At this time, I would like to extend sincere appreciation to the Illinois Association of School Boards and specifically thank all those who have personally supported the work of our board. Participation in the learning opportunities IASB has made available has enabled us as a board to develop necessary knowledge, skills and confidence to become effective leaders. I feel so very fortunate to be working with a board so eager to learn, that through attendance at IASB workshops, meetings and conferences over the last several years, each has achieved and maintained Master Board Member status! I consider this to be not only a true demonstration of the dedication of my fellow board members to the school community they serve, but also a tribute to the quality of the programs available through IASB.
A board member once said: "The biggest surprise upon becoming a board member is the amount of time it takes to become a good one." Through programs, publication and personal attention when needed, the staff at IASB not only provide the right tools for the job, but also suggestions and guidance on how best to use them!
Jane C. Wojtkiewicz
Board President
East Maine School District 63
Des Plaines, Illinois