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Illinois School Board Journal
July/August 2005

Business manager's advice...
Negotiations prep list essential to bargaining

by William Harkin

William Harkin, associate superintendent for business services at Wauconda CUSD 118, north of Chicago, makes professional presentations on how to calculate the cost of proposed changes to the teachers' salary schedule.

As a school business manager, I am expected to provide the superintendent and school board with accurate information and sound advice on all financial matters. That includes issues related to collective bargaining, including the teacher salary schedule and the cost of specific union proposals.

Although accurate information is absolutely essential at the bargaining table, experience has taught me that it is not enough. There are other matters germane to the labor-management relationship that go deeper and last longer than "just the facts." I always ask school board members to keep in mind a number of issues when I provide them with dollar figures and other information they need for union negotiations.

Before entering into negotiations, school board members should remember that:

During and after negotiations, school board members should remember that:

This process of negotiations can be both fun and rewarding. A good contract allows both parties to feel proud of the district, which will help keep teacher turnover low and provide stability to the community.

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