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School Board Journal
November-December 1998

Here is a Table of Contents for the November-December 1998 issue of Illinois School Board Journal. Highlighted articles are available here in full-text form. For other articles get in touch with:

    IASB Publications
    2921 Baker Drive
    Springfield 62703
    217/528-9688, extension 1131

  • Generation Dot.Com
    What are the pressures and influences that are helping shape the children of the Information Age? A round-up of news and research that sheds light on the current cohort of public school students.
  • Simon: We have to stand for something, by Debi Edmund and Pete Ellertsen -- During his long tenure in government, former U.S. Senator Paul Simon played a powerful role in influencing public school-related legislation. Now, he’s playing a different role in shaping public policy.
  • Curriculum maps chart journey, by Denise Faris
    Teachers in Park Forest-Chicago Heights School District 163 know exactly where they and their students are going, thanks to a curriculum mapping process that charts the way.
  • Retention vs. social promotion, by Donna Harrington-Lueker
    Is it better to hold back children who aren’t achieving or to allow them to move ahead to the next grade with the others in their class?
  • After-school jobs hurt student performance, by Del Stover
    Too many hours on the job may result in poor performance in the classroom – but some work seems to be good for youngsters.
  • Comer Schools for at-risk students
    Child psychiatrist James P. Comer is known for his ground-breaking research into why some disadvantaged children succeed and others don’t. Schools based on his findings are experiencing success.
  • Move testing into the Information Age, by William G. Spady
    Schools that are still organized for the Industrial Age are caught between the old structure and the new needs of the Information Age, says the author.
  • The "new work" of school boards, by Barbara M. Wheeler
    School boards need to put student achievement at the center of their work.
  • Practical PR:  Peer mediation works, by Debi S. Edmund


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Phone: 217/528-9688
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